Valentine's Day is coming and we want to create a romantic mood in the game. Therefore, we offer you a new contest.
Create a Valentines card! You can choose any player, character, heroin the game, even monsters if you want and write him / her a valentine card. This can be a collage or drawing on the theme of the game, and Valentine’s Day, with a poem or declarations of love. Valentine card can be signed or anonymous, we will not mention your nickname if you don’t want.
1.Only players MayLends can participate this competition participate.
2. Valentines card must be made by your own.
3. There should be elements of MyLands.
4. Insults are forbidden, as well as words and phrases prohibited by the rules of the game.
5. You can make more than one valentine card.
Send your works to email
You have confirm that you reallz play MyLands on this server, that’s why we need your photos with the nickname (it is possible on a piece of paper in the hands on the background of your possessions in MayLands). Please notice, that this photos we shall not place anywhere.
The contest will run from 26.01-14.02.
15.02 will begin a voting on the forum. You can vote only once.
1. place: Premium for 30 days, and removal of restrictions to attack on all ruins during 1 day
2. place: The ability to send 70% monsters and -50% of the training of troops for 7 days 3place: +400 science during one week and immediate completion of all buildings
Valentines Card Contest
- bazsarozsa
- Haladó
- Hozzászólások: 37
- Csatlakozott: 06 Okt 2014, 16:00
Vissza ide: “Valentine's Day Contest”
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