One may find [Outer domains|Outer_estates] as well as Underground domains called [Barracks|Barracks] in the Alvilág.\\
[{Image src='barracks.png'  align='center' }]\\
[Outer domains|Outer_estates] can be found both during exploration of the [kingdom|Kingdom] and exploration of the  [Alvilág|Underground] and will be seen on both cells.\\
[Barracks|Barracks] can be found only during the exploration of the Alvilág.\\
To send explorers to the Alvilág, open your [Expeditionary Corps|Exped] and check [Alvilág|Underground] next to the coordinates of the cell\\
[{Image src='underexp.png'  align='center' }]\\
Missions cannot be sent from other cities. Underground missions can be sent only from [Pits|Pit], [Mines|Mine], and [Capitals|City#section-City-_D0_A1_D1_82_D0_BE_D0_BB_D0_B8_D1_86_D0_B0].\\
That is why when trying to send a mission to the [Alvilág|Underground] from an inappropriate estate, you will see a 
notification window:\\
[{Image src='pitsh.png'  align='center' }]\\
There's a penalty on the duration of all underground missions in the Alvilág: +25%. \\
Penalty "+25%" can be temporarily canceled with the help of a [Tournament service|Tournament]\\