The Grail is an Outer Estate with the Main Building producing special resource – the [Black Gems|BlackPearl]. \\ 
The mining speed: 200 BG per hour. \\ 
The Grail appears on a random field of the Map and can be seen by all players without prior exploration. Once a day, at 8 pm server time, the Grail changes its position randomly. Just like other Outer Estates, the Grail has its limited lifespan, displayed inside or on the Main Building. 
[{Image src='grail.png' align='center' }] 

The Grail has neither a Gate, nor a Tunnel, hence it can be attacked at any time. \\ 
In the Grail, there are 4 cells to build Defensive and other [buildings|Buildings] on. Just as in the city, one can also construct buildings in the neighboring [Villages|Sectors]. However when the Grail gets relocated, all its buildings and the ones in the Villages will be destroyed, and its Assistance missions resign and go back to their domains. A relocated Grail becomes neutral, the troops from its Garrison leave for the player`s nearest domain with Escape mission.